

Given my many years of experience and expertise in violin making, I'm able to provide you with an expert opinion of your string instrument upon request. In order for this expert opinion to be of high value, I ask you to bring your instrument to my studio. Unfortunately it is not possible for me to examine your string instrument by means of photos via e-mail. Depending on your wishes, you will either receive my verbal feedback, which will provide you with a good basis for your decision on how to proceed, or you will receive an expert opinion with photos. If you wish, I'm also able to provide you with a value appraisal or damage report for your insurance company.


Perhaps you've received a string instrument as an heirloom, maybe you have no use for it anymore, or you might find an instrument whilst clearing out the attic. No matter what your situation is, come to my studio with your string instrument for some expert advice. I would be happy to give you an estimate as to its value or the cost of any repairs. I also purchase old (broken) violins, into which I'm able to breathe new life.
I also offer a mediating role and can satisfy both sides during the transition from one owner to the next. If you wish, I can also take your instrument on commission and sell it for a commission fee.
In any case it is worth a visit in my studio.